Redux // A Series on Ezra and Nehemiah
February 14 – March 31, 2024
Lent is a rhythm, life breaking out and up from dormancy, darkness, and death. We begin as the season begins: in the midst of a season of cold dormancy, and end as the world warms in light and life. We’re in a fluid-state mixture of sorrow and joy, dark and light, cold and warmth. Ezra and Nehemiah lived in a similar season. Ezra is a priest-scribe and Nehemiah the king’s governor during the time that Israel returns from exile, a re-exodus. The people then, like now, live in a fluid-state mixture of sorrow and joy, sin and faithfulness, fear and strength. Yet in their midst, God accomplishes wonders: returned people, rebuilt temple, restored city. God keeps his promises. Right now, it may be difficult to see that God is good, that he hears your prayers, that he’s faithful. Our hope is that as you experience God in Ezra and Nehemiah’s stories, you’ll see God at work in your own life: answered prayers, kept promises, and faith that brings you light, life, joy, and faith.