
The sort of idolatry that plagues most of us on a daily basis is far more dangerous than the worship of false deities that so clearly rival the worship of the Triune God. The idolatry that plagues us has a way of stealing our affections while allowing us to outwardly and even cognitively maintain our religious convictions. It is a sort of idolatry that allows us to, as Yahweh says through the prophet Isaiah, draw near with our mouths and honor him with our lips, while our hearts are far from him. James K.A. Smith writes, “To be human is to love, and it is what we love that defines who we are. Our (ultimate) love is constitutive of our identity… Our ultimate love is what we worship.” So, what do you love most? As we take the season of Lent to reflect on idols in our lives this lent, this is ultimately the question we need to ask ourselves, because what we love is ultimately what we will worship.

02.17.2021 Idolatry

by Pastor Marcus Lane

02.21.2021 Traditionalism

by Pastor Marcus Lane

02.28.2021 Experientalism

by Pastor Gabe Kasper

03.07.2021 Legalism

by Pastor Marcus Lane

03.14.2021 Materialism

by Pastor Gabe Kasper

03.21.2021 Nationalism

by Pastor Gabe Kasper

03.28.2021 Individualism

by Pastor Marcus Lane

04.04.2021 Triumph Over Idols

by Pastor Gabe Kasper