Prayer Ministry

In-Person Prayer


In-person, personal prayer with a prayer team member is available Sundays at 11a in the front of the Chapel, between the 9:45a and 11:30a worship gatherings. Look for a prayer team member wearing a nametag that says, “I’m here to pray for you.”


Send Us a Prayer Request

You are invited to share your prayer request with the ULC praying community using the form below. Please include your contact information (optional) if we may follow up with you. You can access the prayer request form at anytime at

Prayer Team


At ULC we are a community devoted to prayer.

A weekly prayer guide is emailed to the prayer team members each week. It includes prayers for ULC, the church at large, our world, and individual requests (public and confidential). Team members are committed to respecting the confidentiality of individual requests.

If you have questions, want more information about the prayer team, or are interested in joining the prayer team, send us an email at

Zoom Prayer Meetings

When schedules allow, prayer team members join in the Zoom prayer meetings held each weekday morning. The schedule and link is published in the weekly ULC News email.

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